War on Misery #2

Our days are never coming back. Autumn 2006     12p     8.5 x 11 Articles include an analysis of st. louis arsons: ‘When the bloodys lips of progress move to kiss, we spit fire: on the 2006 arsons ripping through city and suburban developments’; a chronology of work-related deaths: ‘They make us strap time-clocks to our chests’; … Continue reading War on Misery #2

Anarchist Voices

An Oral History of Anarchism in America Paul Avrich   2005   592p   6 x 9 The 180 interviewees in this oral history (mostly anarchists, but also their friends, associates and relatives) represent diverse political tendencies – individualists, collectivists, pacifists, revolutionaries. The respondents give firsthand recollections of Emma Goldman, Rudolf Rocker, Sacco and Vanzetti and other key … Continue reading Anarchist Voices