The Story of Class Violence in America Louis Adamic 1935 380p 5 x 8 The history of labor in the United States is a story of almost continuous violence. In Dynamite, Louis Adamic recounts one century of that history in vivid, carefully researched detail. Covering both well- and lesser-known … Continue reading Dynamite →
1967-1984: Documents and Chronology The Angry Brigade & Jean Weir 1985 64p 4 x 5 ‘Sit in the drugstore, look distant, empty, bored, drinking some tasteless coffee? Or perhaps BLOW IT UP OR BURN IT DOWN. The only thing you can do with modern slave-houses — called boutiques — … Continue reading The Angry Brigade →
A True Story of Dreamers, Schemers, Anarchists, and Secret Agents Alex Butterworth 2011 544p 6 x 9 In the late nineteenth century, nations the world over were mired in economic recession and beset by social unrest, their leaders increasingly threatened by acts of terrorism and assassination from anarchist extremists. … Continue reading The World That Never Was →
Vera Figner 1920 336p 6 x 9 In this classic memoir, Figner recounts her journey from aristocrat to revolutionary, candidly relating the experiences that shaped her ideas and provoked her to political action and violence. As she reflects on her own lifelong commitment to improving the lives of ordinary … Continue reading Memoirs of a Revolutionist →
General Franco, The Angry Brigade, and Me Stuart Christie 2004 400p 5.5 x 8 In 1964, a fresh-faced, eighteen-year-old Glaswegian named Stuart Christie became the most famous anarchist in Britain. He was arrested delivering dynamite to Madrid to be used in the assassination of Spanish dictator General Franco. After serving three of his twenty-year sentence, … Continue reading Granny Made Me An Anarchist →
James Joll 1964 303p 6 x 8 A good over-view of classical anarchism, focusing almost exclusively on europe. Beginning in the late 1700s with William Godwin and continuing on with Proudhon, Kropotkin and Bakunin. Details evolutions and differences in philosophy, the paris commune, russian revolution, spanish civil war, the era of dynamite, etc. $4-10 Other … Continue reading The Anarchists →
The Story of Anarchism Richard Suskind 1971 200p 5 x 8 A good overview of classical anarchism in its heyday, with a focus on the era of dynamite and propaganda by the deed. Suskind is not an anarchist and not necessarily sympathetic to anarchism, which writing from the 1970s he assumes … Continue reading By Bullet, Bomb and Dagger →
The Story of America’s Largest Labor Uprising Robert Shogan 2004 296p 6 x 9 The Battle of Blair Mountain covers a profoundly significant but long-neglected slice of American history – the largest armed uprising on American soil since the Civil War. In 1921, some 10,000 West Virginia coal miners, outraged over years of brutality and exploitation, … Continue reading The Battle of Blair Mountain →
Against His-Story, Against Leviathan! Fredy Perlman 1983 296p 5 x 8 How Civilization encroached on free peoples. On every continent scribes, traders and kings promoted division of labor, professional armies, social discipline, national, ethnic and class fervor. Bastard Out of Carolina A Novel Dorothy Allison 1992 320p 6 x … Continue reading Recommended Reading →
Severino Di Giovanni in Argentina, 1923-1931 Osvaldo Bayer 1970 210p 5 x 8 Originally in spanish, this reprint of the Elephant Editions translation tells the story of anarcho-banditry committed by Severino and his good friends, the brothers Scarfo. Bombings, bank robberies, and, like many of their kind, their shooting star ending. $3-10 … Continue reading Anarchism and Violence →