The Birth of the Clinic

An Archealogy of Medical Perception Michel Foucault 1963 240p 5 x 8 In the eighteenth century, medicine underwent a mutation. For the first time, medical knowledge took on a precision that had formerly belonged only to mathematics. The body became something that could be mapped. Disease became subject to new rules of classification. And doctors … Continue reading The Birth of the Clinic

Orgasms of History

3000 Years of Spontaneous Insurrection Yves Férmion     2002     280p     6 x 9 Every now and then, things explode. Riots, uprisings, revolutions, and new and bizarre social groups spring up seemingly from nowhere. Our standard histories tend to treat these as oddities, if treated at all, or as misguided responses to hard times, limited by lack … Continue reading Orgasms of History

City of Darkness, City of Light

Marge Piercy     1996     496p     6 x 9 In this splendid, thought-provoking historical fiction, Marge Piercy brings to vibrant life three women who play prominent roles in the tumultuous, bloody French Revolution – as well as their more famous male counterparts. $4-12 Other works involving the french revolution, feminism, historical … Continue reading City of Darkness, City of Light

In the Crossfire

Adventures of a Vietnamese Revolutionary Ngo Van     1995     296p     6 x 9 Although the Vietnam War is still well known, few people in the english-speaking world are aware of the decades of struggles against the French colonial regime that preceded it, many of which had no connection with the … Continue reading In the Crossfire

Recommended Reading

  Against His-Story, Against Leviathan!     Fredy Perlman   1983   296p   5 x 8 How Civilization encroached on free peoples. On every continent scribes, traders and kings promoted division of labor, professional armies, social discipline, national, ethnic and class fervor.      Bastard Out of Carolina A Novel   Dorothy Allison   1992   320p   6 x … Continue reading Recommended Reading