1967-1984: Documents and Chronology The Angry Brigade & Jean Weir 1985 64p 4 x 5 ‘Sit in the drugstore, look distant, empty, bored, drinking some tasteless coffee? Or perhaps BLOW IT UP OR BURN IT DOWN. The only thing you can do with modern slave-houses — called boutiques — … Continue reading The Angry Brigade →
A Chronology Jean Weir 1979 120p 5 x 7 An incredible anthology. Not only was there an amazing amount of armed actions in Italy at this time, but those chronicled here (and there are 100s of them) were those carried out by autonomous/ anarchist affinity groups, not by the … Continue reading Armed Struggle in Italy →
All pamphlets are on a sliding scale. Pamphlets are listed with the author, when it was first written and approximate page length and size. If available, pdfs accompany each pamphlet’s page. Prices do not include shipping. The Angry Brigade 1967-1984: Documents and Chronology The Angry Brigade & Jean Weir 1985 64p 4 x 5 … Continue reading Pamphlets →
RECOMMENDED READING LIBROS EN ESPAÑOL Books are new and used, and all are on a sliding scale. Books are listed with the author, when it was first published and approximate page length and size. This list is about 1/5 of available titles. Please inquire about … Continue reading Books →