The FBI’s Secret Wars Against the Black Panther Party and the American Indian Movement Ward Churchill & Jim Vander Wall 1988 550p 6 x 9 An incisive historical account of the FBI siege of Wounded Knee, and reveals the viciousness of COINTELPRO campaigns targeting the Black Liberation movement and the … Continue reading Agents of Repression →
Inside the FBI Entrapment Strategy CrimethInc. 2012 8p 4 x 5 A good overview of FBI entrapment strategies from the past ten years. From the text, ‘Never undertake or discuss illegal activity with people you haven’t known and trusted for a long time. Don’t trust people just because other people trust them or … Continue reading Bounty Hunters and Child Predators →
Darlin’ there’s a place for us… can we go before I turn to dust? Summer 2008 20p 8.5 x 11 Articles include an analysis of anti-police activity in st. louis: ‘Invitation for Conflict: a magnifying glass to three anti-police initiatives’; an analysis of the Laidlaw bus drivers’ strike: ‘The Driver on the Bus Says “WI-LD-CAT!”; … Continue reading War on Misery #3 →
Documents From Chicago’s Clandestine Abortion Service, 1968-1973 Firestarter Press ed. 2004 60p 5 x 8 Jane was the abortion counseling service affiliated with the Chicago Women’s Liberation Union (CWLU). Before abortion was legalized in 1973, Jane members, none of whom were physicians, performed over 11,000 illegal abortions. Their philosophy … Continue reading Jane →
A Novel of Gilded Age New York Marge Piercy 2005 425p 6 x 9 Post–Civil War New York City is the battleground of the American dream. In this era of free love, emerging rights of women, and brutal sexual repression, Freydeh, a spirited young Jewish immigrant, toils at different … Continue reading Sex Wars →
Vol. II: The Story of a Return Marjane Satrapi 2003 160p 6 x 9 In 1984, Marjane flees fundamentalism and the war with Iraq to begin a new life in Vienna. Once there, she faces the trials of adolescence far from her friends and family, and while she soon … Continue reading Persepolis →
Vol. I: The Leninist Counter-Revolution G.P. Maximoff 1940 360p 5 x 8 Originally published in 1940 in two volumes, this is the (partially eyewitness) account of the Leninist terror inflicted upon Russia. Maximoff, a life-long anarchist, fought in the Russian Revolution, organized with the metal-workers, and was imprisoned by Lenin’s secret police … Continue reading The Guillotine at Work →
A Graphic Biography: A True History of Violence, Crimefighting, Politics and Power Rick Geary 2008 112p 5 x 8 In the hands of gifted cartoonist Rick Geary, J. Edgar Hoover’s life becomes a timely and pointed guide to eight presidents–from Calvin Coolidge to Richard Nixon–and everything from Prohibition to cold war espionage. … Continue reading J. Edgar Hoover →
The Life and Times of A Black Wobbly Ben Fletcher & Peter Cole 2006 149p 5.5 x 8.5 The great African American Wobbly organizer, Benjamin Fletcher (1890-1949), was noted for his brilliant organizing ability and imaginative on-the-job strategies, as well as for his courage, humor, and excellence as a … Continue reading Ben Fletcher →
The Birth of the Prison Michel Foucault 1975 333p 5 x 8 Foucault suggests that such vaunted reforms as the abolition of torture and the emergence of the modern penitentiary have merely shifted the focus of punishment from the prisoner’s body to his soul. The four main parts include: torture, punishment, discipline and prison. $4-12 … Continue reading Discipline and Punish →