No thanks thanks to the treadmill. No thanks to the Grindstone. There’s plenty of dissent from these rungs below. Summer 2013 34p 8.5 x 11 After a four year hiatus, war on misery came back — bigger than ever. Articles include an analysis of Occupy St. Louis: ‘Occu-POW!: The Jolt of Occupy St. … Continue reading War on Misery #4 →
Darlin’ there’s a place for us… can we go before I turn to dust? Summer 2008 20p 8.5 x 11 Articles include an analysis of anti-police activity in st. louis: ‘Invitation for Conflict: a magnifying glass to three anti-police initiatives’; an analysis of the Laidlaw bus drivers’ strike: ‘The Driver on the Bus Says “WI-LD-CAT!”; … Continue reading War on Misery #3 →
Our days are never coming back. Autumn 2006 12p 8.5 x 11 Articles include an analysis of st. louis arsons: ‘When the bloodys lips of progress move to kiss, we spit fire: on the 2006 arsons ripping through city and suburban developments’; a chronology of work-related deaths: ‘They make us strap time-clocks to our chests’; … Continue reading War on Misery #2 →
There must be some kinda way outta here… Winter 2005-2006 8p 8.5 x 11 Articles include an analysis of the Busch deliver drivers’ striker: ‘You say Lohr, We say Class War: Unions, bosses, and turning the lights on in the theatre of conflict’; a fictitious account of the social conflict that could have arisen after … Continue reading War on Misery #1 →
One part tabloid, one part social war, one part humor, these are all four issues of War on Misery, a sporadically published st. louis-based publication. All issues are free plus shipping. If you’d like to help pay for printing more, feel free to. Against the drudgery of everyday life, and for a holiday without beginning … Continue reading War On Misery →
E.P Thompson 1963 864p 5 x 8 In this classic, Thompson concentrates on the artisan and working class of England in the formative years of 1780-1832. In contrast to many historians of the same period and topic, Thompson tries to give insight into the day to day life of … Continue reading The Making of the English Working Class →
1860-1931 John M. Hart 1987 260p 6 x 9 The anarchist movement had a crucial impact upon the Mexican working class between 1860 and 1931. Hart shows how the ideas of European anarchist thinkers took root in Mexico, how they influenced revolutionary tendencies there, and why anarchism was ultimately … Continue reading Anarchism and the Mexican Working Class →
Dennis Banks and the Rise of the American Indian Movement Dennis Banks 2004 352p 6 x 9 The autobiography of Dennis Banks and the story of the American Indian Movement (AIM), of which he was a co-founder. The warrior’s story covers ground as vast as the country itself, from … Continue reading Ojibwa Warrior →
Three Classic IWW Pamphlets from the 1910s Elizabeth Gurley Flynn, Walker C. Smith & William E. Tautmann 2014 128p 5 x 8 The pamphlets reprinted here were first published in the 1910s amid great controversy. Even then, the tactics of direct action and sabotage were often associated with the cartoonists’ image … Continue reading Direct Action and Sabotage →
Radical Perspectives in the Caribbean Fundi 1988 24p 5 x 8 A compilation of excerpts from a forum on Grenada and Jamaica, which was held in San Francisco in December, 1983, follow-up interviews and informal discussions. These edited statements belong 53-year-old Jamaican named Fundi. The basis for his critical … Continue reading None Shall Escape →