Bruno Astarian 2003 176p 5 x 8 El ’68 ha sido señalado como el signo del cambio de una época, síntoma y proceso de nuevas inquietudes sociales y de una verdadera revolución social, que sólo con los años pudo ser redirigida hacia una renovación radical del capitalismo. Celebrado y conmemorado en las fechas más evidentes … Continue reading Las huelgas en francia durante mayo y junio de 1968 →
1967-1984: Documents and Chronology The Angry Brigade & Jean Weir 1985 64p 4 x 5 ‘Sit in the drugstore, look distant, empty, bored, drinking some tasteless coffee? Or perhaps BLOW IT UP OR BURN IT DOWN. The only thing you can do with modern slave-houses — called boutiques — … Continue reading The Angry Brigade →
The Left Wing Alternative Daniel Cohn-Bendit 1968 272p 5.5 x 8.5 In May 68 a student protest spread to other universities, to Paris factories and in a few weeks to most of France. A million Parisians marched; ten million workers went out on strike. This is Daniel Cohn-Bendit’s – … Continue reading Obsolete Communism →
Situationists and the Beach, May 1968 Dark Star Collective 2001 120p 8 x 8 An anthology of the three classic Situationist pamphlets—The Poverty of Student Life, Totality for Kids, and The Decline and Fall of the Spectacular Commodity Economy, plus an eyewitness account of the Paris May ’68 events. Much of the Situ creed was … Continue reading Beneath the Paving Stones →
Post-Political Politics Christian Marazzi & Sylvère Lotringer 2007 340p 7 x 10 ‘Most of the writers who contributed to the issue were locked up at the time in Italian jails…. I was trying to draw the attention of the American Left, which still believed in Eurocommunism, to the fate … Continue reading Autonomia →
France, May ‘68 R. Gregoire & F. Perlman 1969 96p 5 x 8 Gregoire and Perlman recount their fascinating experiences Paris when it seemed possible that a non-bureaucratic revolution was at hand. As participants, they analyze actions and principles. They criticize passivity, leaders and the fear of change. $2-5 … Continue reading Worker-Student Action Committees →
Bureau of Public Secrets 1981 532p 7 x 9 In 1957 a few European avant-garde groups came together to form the Situationist International. Picking up where the dadaists and surrealists had left off, the situationists challenged people’s passive conditioning with carefully calculated scandals and the playful tactic of detournement. … Continue reading Situationist International Anthology →
3000 Years of Spontaneous Insurrection Yves Férmion 2002 280p 6 x 9 Every now and then, things explode. Riots, uprisings, revolutions, and new and bizarre social groups spring up seemingly from nowhere. Our standard histories tend to treat these as oddities, if treated at all, or as misguided responses to hard times, limited by lack … Continue reading Orgasms of History →
A Chronicle of Fredy Perlman’s Fifty Years Lorraine Perlman 1989 200p 5 x 8 A memoir with photos written by Fredy’s companion of 27 years. Fredy’s life began in Czechoslavakia in 1934 and ended in Detroit in 1985. In those fifty years he lived on three continents and incorporated … Continue reading Having Little, Being Much →
Against His-Story, Against Leviathan! Fredy Perlman 1983 296p 5 x 8 How Civilization encroached on free peoples. On every continent scribes, traders and kings promoted division of labor, professional armies, social discipline, national, ethnic and class fervor. Bastard Out of Carolina A Novel Dorothy Allison 1992 320p 6 x … Continue reading Recommended Reading →